How to build working relations with subordinates as efficiently as possible?

So, you hold the post of leader and regularly study the magazines of the Science and Life series. And it doesn’t matter whether you lead a company or a unit in the company.

Another thing is important, you are subordinate to employees for whom you are the boss. You try to fulfill your duties as well as possible and from some point you begin to notice that you are literally “torn apart”, and you yourself practically live at work.

From this moment, there is an understanding that this ceases to inspire you and something needs to be done with this. The first thing that comes to mind is to disperse awkward subordinates, and then gain more experienced and professional. However, will this help? Will he return to the same effect after some time?

And again, instead of going on a well -deserved rest, you will have to double -check the work of “newcomers” and correct their mistakes or finish “shortcomings”.

And in this, there is nothing surprising. Even if an employee has enough experience in his field of activity, a new company, a new environment, new contracts and a supplier with customers - all this will be new for him and will knock him out of the usual track. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that the rotation of personnel can not be a "panacea".

Now we are approaching exactly what needs to be done in a similar situation, when you are torn to pieces of numerous things, and you are forced to do everything. The only way out of this situation is the transfer of authority. This must be done in the following cases:

1. To transfer the fulfillment of duties in the case when the same work can be performed by an employee who receives a lower salary than you. How it does not sound cynical, but this is the most effective use of this employee, which will bring the company saving money. If this work is also performed competently, then the benefit from this will be able to exceed the difference in payment for it, which means that efficiency will increase significantly.

2. It is necessary to transfer the work to the subordinate in the event that he is more objective more professional in solving this issue. The main thing here is not to complete, there is nothing shameful in the fact that a subordinate can understand better than you in some narrow direction of activity, for this subordinates exist to direct their efforts in the direction necessary for the company.

3. It is imperative to delegate to subordinates participation in routine events that are necessary, but they take too much time and do not represent much complexity in their execution.

Here are the three rules that must be observed as a leader in delegation of part of your own powers to his employees. As a result of this, you can free more time to spend it out of work.
